“Trust in the Lord in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight” Proverbs 3:4-6
Kia Ora Whānau and Families,
I hope you are all coping in this heat and that you have had a refreshing and restful Christmas and New Year break. Welcome back to KidzWay 2023. The first term is always a busy one, please read through to the end to keep yourselves up to date.
Ka Kite, Denise (Head Teacher), Michelle, Alison, Nicky, Sally, Fiona, Vanessa (Teachers), Manja (Administrator)
Special Persons’ Night
When: Wednesday 22 February, 5:30pm-7:00pm
Where: Here at KidzWay
Cost: Gold coin donation towards dinner - meat patties, coleslaw, hot chips and bread. Vegetarian option available - please text the Centre phone 027 5558045 if you require a vegetarian pattie.
Why: This is a lovely opportunity for children to bring Dad or a Special Person along to play with them at KidzWay and show off their place of play and learning. We will have a simple dinner, followed by some fun games. As much as we love to see all the family, for catering and safety reasons please a maximum of 2 special people only per child. Thank you. ☺
Kaka Point Beach/Bus Trip
We plan to run this fun, popular day out again this year. Pencilled in for Tuesday 21 March, weather permitting. As well as the Tuesday children, all families are welcome to attend this trip. Best practice is to have a 1:1 adult to child ratio around water, so parent help is required to make this event happen. The bus trip is part of the exciting experience for the children on this day, and we do encourage you to use this. This year the bus is being funded by Harliwich Contracting who donated $1000.00 a year ago, but was unused due to Covid-19. Please note your intentions for the day on the form by the sign-in sheet ASAP, so we can get the trip and Bus organised. Many thanks.
This Weekend!! “THE SHEARATHON”
https://www.shear4acause.co.nz/ click on this link to find out the who, where and when of this fantastic fundraising event for KidzWay, and 4 other charities.
Facebook link https://www.facebook.com/shear4acause
A Big thankyou to Shaun and Olivia Bradley who put KidzWay forward to the Shear4aCause organisers, Audio Visual Design and Print who produced a promo video for KidzWay at a hugely discounted price https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pggbewi9eo3gtou/AABNOiDXFA13w2lsl0flC_uVa?dl=0 (Video Link)
If you and the kids would like to pop up and see the action you are welcome to visit at Wohelo Station, 670 Wilden Runs Rd, Moa Flat.
After 14 years at KidzWay Denise Sanne, our Head Teacher/Centre Manager, is taking 3 months off. The Centre will be in good hands as Michelle Nicol takes on the Acting Head Teacher role. With Alison Sim in her Curriculum Lead role, Robbie Finlayson as part of Management and Chairperson of the KidzWay Trust and Manja our fabulous administrator, Michelle will be well supported as she steps into this role.
Michelle will be in the office Monday and Friday and Alison on a Wednesday. We may need to transfer a couple of children to new profile teachers, but otherwise all will remain the same.
Kaelyn Pilgrim will join the team for 12 hours per week in a voluntary capacity, as she studies toward her ECE qualification. Both Fiona and Vanessa are chipping away at their Bachelor of Teaching ECE. If you have studied, worked and managed a family you will know how hard that is. Go you two, the sustainability for KidzWay Staffing is looking bright.
General news and reminders.
Making Poi for KidzWay: Saturday 18 February, 10am-2pm @ KidzWay. Space for 15 adults to learn Te Reo Māori, through karakia, poi making and waiata. Please bring a plate for shared kai. Book your space with Whaea Jaki 027 855 1852: Proudly Sponsored by Creative Communities NZ
Measles: Health Authorities advise that childhood immunisation rates have fallen below the level required to protect against outbreaks of measles! If you are behind in your vaccinations please see your doctor and update your vaccination records at KidzWay, so we can let our unvaccinated whānau know in the case of a measles outbreak.
Kaimanawaroa: The Ministry of Educations dedicated newsletter for whānau.
Check it out/subscribe @ https://parents.education.govt.nz/essential-information/kia-manawaroa/
The latest copy https://mailchi.mp/education/kia-manawaroa-3-february-2023
Please remember to provide your child with a named Bucket Hat, a wet bag in their bags (available at KidzWay) and send/email a family photo for our whānau tree at KidzWay. Children love seeing their families up there.
Thank You…
To all the families who donated, food and time to either preparing for the shearathon or will be feeding the shearers this weekend.
Dates for your Calendar:
Monday 6 February 2023: Waitangi Day - CENTRE CLOSED.
Tuesday 7 February 2023: Teacher Only Day - CENTRE CLOSED
Monday 13 February 2023: Ngahere Explorers starts for Term 1
Wednesday 22 February 2023: Special Persons Night - 5.30pm - 7pm
Monday 20 March 2023: Otago Anniversary Day - CENTRE CLOSED
Tuesday 21 March 2023: Kaka Point Beach Trip
Thursday 6 April 2023: KidzWay Easter Celebrations
Friday 7 April 2023: Good Friday - CENTRE CLOSED
Monday 10 April 2023: Easter Monday - CENTRE CLOSED
Tuesday 25 April 2023: ANZAC Day - CENTRE CLOSED
“My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.” –Clarence Budinton Kelland
