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Newsletter No. 1 - February 2025

For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life John 3:16
For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life John 3:16

Kia Ora Whānau and Families,

Welcome back to KidzWay for 2025. The school term has started so KidzWay has all its families back this week. A special welcome to the 6 new families that have just started with us. We hope you are settling in and gaining a sense of belonging here. Do share with the teachers anything that will help build our connections with you and your child.  😍 Please keep reading for more KidzWay details and events.

Ka Kite, Denise Sanne (Head Teacher), Michelle Nicol (Team Leader), Alison Sim (Curriculum Leader), Sally Beattie, Tammy Watt, Fiona Dawson, Vanessa Thomas (Teachers), Manja Hellewell (Administrator)


Kaka Point Beach/Bus Trip 

We are looking forward to our annual Kaka Point Beach / Bus trip - sponsored by Murray Servicing, next Wednesday 12 February 2025 - Weather permitting. Sadly, if the weather does not play the game the trip will be cancelled for this year.😞 Thank You to all who have indicated their intentions for the trip on the form in the foyer. Please get your permission slips back to us ASAP.  As well as our  Wednesday children, all families are welcome to attend this trip. Best practice is to have a 1:1 adult to child ratio around water, so parent help is required to make this event happen. The bus trip is part of the exciting experience for the children on this day, and we do encourage you to use the bus. Please see the email/and hard copy already sent out with all the details on what to bring and times to arrive and be back from the excursion. Thanks.

Please arrive promptly at KidzWay by 8.30am.


ERO visit to KidzWay

The Education Review Office (ERO) has now let us know that they will be visiting the Centre on the 25th, 26th and 27th of February. We welcome this external review of KidzWay.


A Message from the Trust:

The KidzWay Trust would like to inform all our families that our wonderful Head Teacher, Denise Sanne, is resigning from her position with her last day being 27th March. Denise has been our Head Teacher/Manager for the past 16 years, guiding the centre through many changes, challenges and celebrations. Her heart has always been to serve and nurture our families and our team at KidzWay. 

She has upheld and modelled the Christian character of KidzWay, breathing life into the foundation that KidzWay was built on. We will be honoring and thanking Denise at an event towards the end of March, more information will follow closer to the time.


Thank You… 

  • Hamish and Ashlee Murray for your generous sponsoring of the Bus for our Kaka Point beach trip.   

  • Fiona Dawson and Vanessa Thomas a huge whoop whoop, and congratulations for finishing and passing your Bachelor of Teaching ECE over these past couple of months. Thanks for all the hard mahi you have put in over your studying time. It is hard work juggling life, work and study. KidzWay, families and children are and will be blessed by your efforts.

                                   T H A N K S   S O  M U C H 


General News and Reminders.

  • Once again we will hold our Fathers / Special Persons’ Night in March.

Dates and details still to come.

  • Thanks to all who pay their accounts on time.🤩 Please note that our procedures advise us to follow up on all accounts of $100.00 and over. If this is you, please clear this promptly. Regular automatic payments are helpful to reduce overdue accounts. Please see Manja or Denise for assistance with this. Thank you.


Dates for your Calendar

Thursday 6 February: Waitangi Day -  KidzWay is CLOSED

Wednesday 12 February: Kaka Point Beach Trip.


"I may not be able to give my kids everything they want, but I give them what they need: love, time, and attention. You can't buy those things.” —Nishan Panwar


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Contact Us

22-26 Northumberland St

Tapanui 9522, West Otago 

Phone: 03 204 8899


Opening Hours






Public Holidays - Closed

3-week break over Christmas/New Year

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 3:30pm

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 4:00pm


  • Full day (min. 6 hours)

  • Morning, or

  • Afternoon


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