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Newsletter No. 2 - April 2023

”I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth”


Kia Ora Whānau and Families

After a fabulous summer - not for the farmers perhaps, but great for getting out and about and enjoying the sun, we have arrived rather sharply into autumn! The mornings are darker and the nights colder. The curriculum planning is continuing around literacy, and we have added math as a new focus. Three teachers attended a workshop earlier in the year, and have realised the importance of saying the correct terms i.e. algebra and intentionally adding math into our programme. Look out for stories in your child's profile book. We have noticed that Whānau voices are not being added as much in the profile books. Please add to your child's learning in this way. It is invaluable to us to have your input into your child's learning journey here at KidzWay. Thank you!

Ka Kite, Michelle (Acting Head Teacher,) Alison, Nicky, Sally, Fiona, and Vanessa (Teachers,) Kaelyn and Manja (Administrator)



It is with great pleasure and gratitude to Jared Manihera, the event organiser, Shaun & Olivia Bradley, for nominating KidzWay and being part of the organising team, and Matt Hunt, who shore for us, as well as the army of volunteers, that we can announce the amount of money raised from the Shear-A-Thon was a grand total of $27,700.34.

This will go a long way to buying resources as well as adding new play equipment to the outdoor playground. We will give you an update on what the money has gone towards in future newsletters.

So far we have spent some of the money from the PGG Wrightson Auction on new bark to top up the bark area, sand (coming)for the sandpit, two new computers for the centre, repairing the ropes on our climbing equipment, and getting the plastic curtains on the verandah fixed. Thank You to Kingsley Sim for getting the sand for us and Barry Munro for coming in with his digger and spreading the bark.


Ngahere Explorers

Next term, Ngahere Explorers will be on Tuesday mornings starting on 2nd May 2023. A roster and parent contact list will go home to the oldest 4-year-olds involved in this shortly.


Working Bee Jobs

Thank you to our parents Sarah & Nick Murray, Nick & Bridget Crowe, as well as Chris Tong who have come and helped weed, trim, and take away rubbish over the last week! Also thank you to Cherise McPherson, Kristy McKenzie, Gracel Doño, Joy Campbell, Gordie Scott as well as our BOT chairperson, Robbie Finlayson, who all came to help with weeding and planting at our tussock weeding working bee yesterday. Thank you also to Tiff Hiri for digging out and supplying us with the tussocks. We still have a few jobs left on the list that would be great to have done before the end of autumn. If you have time just come when it suits, and if you let us know beforehand we can come and open up for you if needed on the weekend.


Regular events

Unfortunately, we had to cancel our Kaka Point Trip this year because of the adverse weather. Thankfully, our Fathers & Special Persons’ Night went ahead as planned, and was a great night of fellowship, where tamariki got to show whānau their special place, share food, and play some games which everyone enjoyed. We are proposing to have a swap around and have Kaka Point in February when the weather may be more settled and Special Persons’ Night in March next year.

KidzWay Easter celebrations: Thursday 6th April 1.30pm

Come along and join us for songs, a story, an Easter egg hunt, and a shared afternoon tea. Please bring a plate to share or drop one off in the morning.


A couple of Friendly Reminders

Just a friendly reminder to name your child's lunchbox and drink bottle. This helps teachers and your child identify what belongs to them. It also ensures any child with a food allergy has the right lunchbox. Thank you for this!

Wet bags can be purchased from the office for $7.00 each. These are good to have in order to put in soiled or wet clothes.

As the weather through autumn can be changeable, please bring a warm hat, jacket or vest and also gumboots on wet days for your child. We go outside no matter what the weather (under the verandah if it is raining,) so it is good to have your children warm and waterproof!



Just a reminder that children are eligible for the free Measles and MMR vaccine which is available from West Otago Health.

There have been a lot of bugs going around the centre in the past few weeks. Just a reminder that if your child has vomited, or had diarrhea, that the time between the last episode and coming back to the center is 48 hours. Thank you for your support in keeping the bugs at bay!


Policies Currently Under Review

Lockdown Procedure

Child Protection Policy and Procedure

Sleep Procedure

You are welcome to view our policies and procedures any time


Parent Toolbox: Parenting Course

KidzWay is once again committed to offering the Parenting Places’ “Baby and Toddler” (1-5yrs) Course, which we have been running on a teacher volunteer basis for the last nine years!

We are keen to work with a day and month that works for most of you. The meetings are held here at KidzWay from 7.30pm to approx 9pm for four weeks.

We would love to have you join us for some fun and informative ways to engage with your children, and help you gain skills and strategies to master those tricky times! Some parents’ comments who have done the course have been: “It has helped me have strategies to manage behaviour” and “It is great that my husband and I are now on the same page.”

The sign up sheet is in the foyer. Please write your name and time that suits you, so we can organise dates and order a manual for you. The cost is $110 for a couple and $75 for a single. Financial support may be available. See Michelle for this.


Whānau Hui

Sally and Nicky are having a Whānau Hui on 4th April (4.30pm to 6.30pm) as an opportunity to share and value everyone's culture.

Come along and have some fun with games and sharing of ideas. They propose a meeting twice a year to hear ideas, and what we can do in the centre to make all cultures feel welcome.


Dates For your Calendar

Thursday 6th April: KidzWay Easter Celebration @ 1.30 pm. Please bring a plate for a shared afternoon tea.

Friday 7th April: Good Friday - CENTRE CLOSED

Monday 10th April: Easter Monday - CENTRE CLOSED

Tuesday 25th April: ANZAC DAY - CENTRE CLOSED


“Too many parents make life hard for their children by trying too zealously to make it easy for them

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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Contact Us

22-26 Northumberland St

Tapanui 9522, West Otago 

Phone: 03 204 8899


Opening Hours






Public Holidays - Closed

3-week break over Christmas/New Year

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 3:30pm

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 4:00pm


  • Full day (min. 6 hours)

  • Morning, or

  • Afternoon


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