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Newsletter No. 3 - August 2023

Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it”


Kia Ora Whānau and Families!

After three months off (March-May) it is nice to be back in the Centre, meeting the new children and parents (a big welcome to you,) and catching up with all the families I already know. Hopefully, you are all coping with this wet, cold weather and like us, are looking forward to some warmth and dryness. I have reduced my days in the office to three days a week. If you need to talk to me either pop in for a quick chat or make an appointment. It's lovely to hear about the celebrations and good things happening in your children's worlds but equally, if there are struggles or anything that needs to be addressed in the Centre, please let me know that too, as we can’t improve if we don’t know.

Just in case you are still trying to figure out who is who in the Centre, please check out the photo below. Ngā mihi, thank you.

Denise Sanne (Head Teacher)

Photo: Back Row- Left to right; Denise Sanne (Head Teacher), Sally Beattie, Alison Sim, Nicky Horrell and Vanessa Thomas

Front Row; Fiona Dawson, Michelle Nicol (Teachers) and Manja Hellewell (Administrator)


Wig Wednesday and Wacky Hair Days

These fun days will be held on:

Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 (Wig Wednesday) and Thursday 14 September.

Please send your child along with a wacky hair-do or wig on any of these days. If you run out of time in the morning, one of our talented staff hairdressers will whip something up for your child. Gold coin donation towards the Child Cancer Foundation - thank you.


Friendly Reminders:

  • KidzWay is open to receive children at 8.30am. Thanks for respecting this time as teachers are still preparing for the day before this.

  • Please follow the morning routines of helping your child to put out their lunch box/drink bottle, find their name tag, a hook to pop their hat and coat on, then again at the other end of the building, choose their name tag and a cubby hole for their bags. Allowing them to do this with your help enables their independence and forms habits for when they start school.

Thanks to parents who name their child's gumboots, coats, shoes and clothing. It makes a world of difference in helping teachers keep track of your child's gear, especially items that look the same. Thank you.


KidzWay AGM

KidzWay’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 19 September 2023, at 7.30pm.

More details to come.


Tool Box : Parenting course

the “V” of Love tips for engaging cooperation

What's your parenting style? Sergeant Major, Parent Coach, Jellyfish, Parent too Busycus!

This is some of the most valuable parenting information you can get to help you in your parenting job. Don't let this opportunity go by to attend the 4-week course. Please indicate your interest and what Tuesday you would like us to start the course on.

Please pop your name on the list in the foyer.

Cost: $110.00 a couple and $75.00 a single. Don't let finance stop you. Support is available; please see Denise for this.


Dates for your Calendar:

The ToolBox Course is starting soon - please watch out for dates to be confirmed.

Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 & Thursday 14 September: Wacky Hair Days and Wig Wednesday - gold coin donation in support of the Child Cancer Foundation

Tuesday 19 September: KidzWay AGM at 7.30pm

Thursday 5 October: Ngahere Explorers New Parents Meeting.

Thursday 12 October: Ngahere Explorers starts for term 4

Monday 23 October: Labour Day - CENTRE CLOSED

Wednesday 6 December: KidzWay Christmas Concert at 1:30pm.

Thursday 21 December: KidzWay closes for 2023 at 1:00pm.

Monday 15 January: KidzWay re-opens for 2024 at 8.30am


“Children are immature and they’ll handle their anger immaturely until they’re taught better methods.

author unknown


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Contact Us

22-26 Northumberland St

Tapanui 9522, West Otago 

Phone: 03 204 8899


Opening Hours






Public Holidays - Closed

3-week break over Christmas/New Year

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 3:30pm

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 4:00pm


  • Full day (min. 6 hours)

  • Morning, or

  • Afternoon


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