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Newsletter No. 3 - August 2024

Honor your Father and Mother that all may go well with you Ephesians 6:2


Kia Ora Whānau and Families,

I hope you are all managing to keep warm out there!! Kaelyn and I are enjoying our term 3 Ngahere Explorers programme, held in the bush on the BMC grounds behind the swimming pool. For the foreseeable future, the Gruffalo area is, unfortunately, no longer available to us under new Ernslaw One’s safety practices.

Do let me know if you have started any of the Parenting Places toolbox courses. These have great Tips for your all important parenting journey. To find out more… 

Thanks whānau and families for taking a few minutes to read all the updates and info. It's great when we are all on the same page, creating better pathways to belonging, wellbeing and learning for our tamariki/children😃. Denise 💖

Ka Kite, Denise Sanne (Head Teacher), Michelle Nicol (Team Leader), Alison Sim (Curriculum Leader), Sally Beattie, Fiona Dawson, Vanessa Thomas  (Teachers), Manja Hellewell (Administrator)


KidzWay Trust News

The KidzWay Trust are volunteers who govern KidzWay.

The Trustees are Robbie Finlayson (chairperson,) 

Allan Richardson (finance,) Jane Stuart (secretary,) Tiff Hiri and Sara Beel (parent members.) 

At our May meeting, the Trust thanked Aimee Keenan for her valuable contribution as a parent on the board for the past 2 and half years. We also welcomed Sara Beel as the new parent member on our Trust Board.

All parents/caregivers are invited to attend KidzWay’s AGM on:

Monday 23rd September 7.30pm at KidzWay. 


Wig Wednesday and Wacky Hair Days

These fun days will be held on: 

Tuesday 10, Wednesday 11 (Wig Wednesday) and Thursday 12 September.

Please send your child along with a wacky hair-do or wig on any of these days.  If you run out of time in the morning, one of our talented staff hairdressers will whip something up for your child.  Gold coin donation towards the Child Cancer Foundation - thank you.


Thank You…

  • To the Mens Shed who has just made and installed more shelving in the resource room.👏👏💐 💐

  • Heather Wink for donating a flag pole to KidzWay

  • To the New Life Church for a generous donation in support of KidzWay

  • Jordan Brand for attending to the drainage issues in the playground and the discount on his invoice.

  • To RTL for supplying the gravel for free   


General News and Reminders.

  • Thanks to parents/caregivers who help their child/ren put name tags, hats and coats on their hooks/ cubbies in the mornings and take them off again at the end of the day. It helps us immensely.

  • A friendly reminder to not include burger rings, twisties and lollies in your child's lunch boxes. They are not part of our healthy food policy.

  • Please ensure your child has a full set of named clothes in their bags, plus a wet bag for dirty clothes to go into for those occasional mishaps! Additionally, check the bags to ensure they’re smelling sweet and some of that not so sweet washing is removed.  😉 

  • Your children love to see their family when they are here. Please send/email a family photo of your whānau/family for our Whānau Tree.🥰

  • Thanks to those who are ringing when their child is Absent. Knowing the daily child numbers helps us plan for the day and manage staffing levels. Thank you.📞

  • Early Starts. We are still working on the logistics of opening a little earlier. We will let you know the decision once we have worked out the details. 


Dates for your Calendar:

Wednesday 14 August: Ngahere Explorer 4-year-olds visit Tapanui Primary School

Thursday 15 August: Ambulance Station visit @ 11am

Wednesday 21 August: Ngahere Explorer 4-year-olds visit Ribbonwood

Tuesday 10 September: Wacky Hair Day

Wednesday 11 September: Wig Wednesday

Thursday 12 September: Wacky Hair Day

Monday 23 September: KidzWay AGM @ KidzWay. Starts at 7.30pm.


“Every child no matter what their personality or bent, has a role in the world.” Anon


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Contact Us

22-26 Northumberland St

Tapanui 9522, West Otago 

Phone: 03 204 8899


Opening Hours






Public Holidays - Closed

3-week break over Christmas/New Year

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 3:30pm

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 4:00pm


  • Full day (min. 6 hours)

  • Morning, or

  • Afternoon


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