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Newsletter No. 4 - October 2024

Times of boredom are great for children’s imagination and creativity (ECE and Primary age) Just make sure those phones/screens are inaccessible for the length of time you set.  Seven Sharp 30.9.24


Kia Ora Whānau and Families,

Whoop whoop; Spring is in the air! Well, the flowers and blossoms, lambs and calves think so. We are all thinking of our farmers as they battle this far too wet time. Frizzle, our little bantam at KidzWay, is enjoying the 5 Silkie fertilised eggs she has just hatched over the weekend. So cute.

There is lots coming up… do note your calendars so you and the children are prepared 🙂 Denise

FYI: KidzWay raised $65.30 for the Child Cancer Foundation over our Wacky Hair days. Thanks to all who contributed.

Ka Kite, Denise Sanne (Head Teacher), Michelle Nicol (Team Leader), Alison Sim (Curriculum Leader), Sally Beattie, Tammy Watt, Fiona Dawson, Vanessa Thomas  (Teachers), Manja Hellewell (Administrator)


ERO visit to KidzWay

We have been notified of the Education Review Office (ERO) coming to evaluate the Centre, processes and systems, planning and learning for children and our health and safety practices. We will let you know of the exact dates. Currently, all we know is that it will be sometime between October and December 2024.


Whānau Hui

Wednesday 16th October at 6pm: Denise and Alison are holding a Whānau Hui and hot chips with our te Tiriti o Waitangi partners. We have 9 whānau who whakapapa to the many tribes around the motu. It would be great to korero, share kai, ideas, games that will make our Centre like home for your tamariki. Invites are coming out next week.

KidzWay Cultural Festival & Afternoon Tea

Friday 18th October at 2pm here at KidzWay. Let’s celebrate our cultural diversity. Wear your national dress, bring something special e.g. a song/picture or information about your country as well as food from your culture to share for afternoon tea. (For allergy reasons, please bring a  written list of the ingredients you use and bear in mind any potential choking hazards.) Thank you!


Stock Scheme Fundraiser🐑🐄🐑🐄🐑🐄

If you would like to support KidzWay through raising and selling stock, and donating these funds to the Centre we would gladly appreciate your support. Phone Allan Richardson on

027 2202672. Thank you!


JOBS TO DO: The newly planted tussock block needs a good weed and then covered with mulch/wood chips or pea straw. Let Denise know if you can help out in any way.


Thank You…   

  • To Carl McKenzie for ALL the things he fixes around the Centre for us - and so promptly too.  It makes a world of difference to us and the children.

  • Just to let you know, you may see Carl doing more work around the Centre as he tackles some of our HandyMan type jobs. 

  • To Nathan and Debra Wilson - “Wilroy Farm”- for their very generous donation towards KidzWay.  

  • To Paul Nicol, for shortening our yellow trough legs, and all the running repairs                                                on our wooden trucks

                                                                                                  T H A N K S   S O  M U C H 


General News and Reminders.

  • Your children love to see their family when they are here. Please send/email a family photo of your whānau/family for our Whānau Tree.🥰

  • Thanks to those who are ringing when their child is Absent. Knowing the daily child numbers helps us plan for the day and manage staffing levels. Thank you.📞

  • Please see the Green board in the foyer for our latest policies and procedures up for review and feel free to view them and make any comments or suggestions for changes.

  • Please read over our Sun Protection procedures when they come out to you next week via email. Denise will be in touch with parents shortly regarding their supplying their own sunscreen.


Dates for your Calendar

Wednesday 16 October: Whānau Hui at 6pm

Friday 18 October: KidzWay Cultural Festival and Afternoon Tea at 2pm

Monday 28 October: Labour Day - CENTRE CLOSED

Tuesday 5 November: KidzWay Pet Day at 9.30am

Saturday 23 November: West Otago A and P Show

Early December KidzWay Christmas concert TBC

Friday 20 December: KidzWay closes for 2024 at 1pm

Monday 13 January: KidzWay re-opens for 2025 at 8.30am


John 3: 16   God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son. Anyone who believes(trust) in him will not die but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to judge it. He sent his Son to save it.


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Contact Us

22-26 Northumberland St

Tapanui 9522, West Otago 

Phone: 03 204 8899


Opening Hours






Public Holidays - Closed

3-week break over Christmas/New Year

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 3:30pm

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 4:00pm


  • Full day (min. 6 hours)

  • Morning, or

  • Afternoon


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